Essays : Aesthetics

Articles on Fine, Visual and Performing Arts

A Review of Indian Aesthetics and Applications in the Vishnudharmottara Purana (Part 1)
14 Jun

A Review of Indian Aesthetics and Applications in the Vishnudharmottara Purana (Part 1)

My initial encounter with the Vishnudharmottara Purana occurred while pursuing a diploma in Indian aesthetics

Essays : natyashastra

My Journey with Natyashastra

Whispers of Laughter and Tears : Blog

A word that once descends onto paper, never returns to the pen.

Whispers of Laughter and Tears: Tagore

In human lives, I have observed three main desires: wealth, power, and knowledge. I have one more—Rasa (The Universal Emotion).

A Memoir of Kaurav: : Novel

Kaurav's Bus to Mysore

A Memoir of Kaurav (Part 1)

Several hours had passed since the show ended. Despite the critics planning to bombard the director with questions about the nuances of the play the next morning, the general audience's

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